Personal styling technology. Does it limit what my customer will buy?

A question we get asked a lot at HOLM is whether personal styling technology limits customer choice. Good fashion retailers are proud of their entire collections, so is it not bad business to tell a customer which five or six dresses she should be wearing? We agree. The HOLM app was designed to curate rather[…]

A dark day for retailers – how to stop Black Friday damaging your brand

UK retailers were today expected to rake in £2.44bn as shoppers hit the Black Friday sales. While the annual marketing frenzy may result in a sparkling top line, there’s a growing view it can have a damaging long term impact on a retailer’s profits and brand. Here we examine the dark side of Black Friday, and share[…]

Retailing and the Whale

Retailing gone wrong. How can we prevent the collapse of yet another UK department store? Retail veteran and HOLM chairman Richard Burrell penned this excellent thought piece on what’s gone wrong and how to fix it. Find the long form piece here or enjoy this abridged tea break read. From Orwell to House of Fraser[…]

Fitting room checklist – does your changing room look like this?

Changing rooms are an essential part of the fashion retail customer experience, Here are our top five tips to convert fitting room visits to sales.

5G handset

5G is coming. Is your retail business prepared?

5G will transform retail 5G ‘fifth generation mobile networks’ is set to launch in the UK as soon as 2019. The retail industry needs to prepare if it is to gain from a world where users can connect no matter where they are and with the exact performance they need. 5G’s promise to deliver ubiquitous[…]

Fashion retail – what’s the difference between a size 10 and a size 10?

What size are you looking for?’ is a question that is losing your fashion retail chain sales. Don’t get us wrong, size is important, but it is second to body shape in the factors that will result in a customer visiting the cash register and keeping their online purchase.


We’re women not smoothies – the problem with fashion retail personalisation

Retail personalisation technology is supposed to be the magic bullet for the problem of online fashion returns. But does asking shoppers to guess their own body shape provide accurate data or a good customer experience? […]

Nearly 22,000 retail jobs hit: is e-commerce completely to blame?

Retail news? Barely a week goes by without another chain parading its woes: announcing profit warnings, negotiations with creditors and store closures. BBC News today reported that 22,000 retail jobs are at risk in 2018 alone. The finger of blame is frequently pointed at the growth of e-commerce and Amazon in particular, but is it really that simple? After all, Amazon has been around since the mid 1990’s so it is hardly a new challenger.


Five ways to make in-store technology a success

A previous HOLM blog post discussed the importance of empowering retail sales staff with technology to put them on an equal footing with today’s ‘mobile first’ consumer. Yet there remains a reluctance among retailers to roll out in-store technology. They have their e-commerce platform for that sort of stuff after all. Then there is the risk of getting it wrong – an expensive mistake for any ambitious retail director.

But the problem is that customers simply do not silo your retail business into ‘stores’ and ‘e-commerce’; they view you as a single brand and expect a seamless transition between their online and in-store activities. In-store technology is the only way to provide this true omnichannel experience. Here we share five ways to make your in-store tech a success: […]